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Sarjaportti ohjainkortit (db9, rs-232)

manhattan 152082 Serial PCI Express Card, Two DB9 Ports, x1 x4 x8 x16 lane buses Serial PCI Express Card, Two DB9 Ports, x1 x4 x8 x16 lane buses 1 kpl 152082
14,90 €
delock 89444 PCI Express Card > 1x Serial PCI Express Card > 1x Serial 10 kpl 89444
39,90 €
moxa CP132UL Sarjaporttikortti, 2xDB9ha, RS-422/485, PCI Sarjaporttikortti, 2xDB9ha, RS-422/485, PCI 2 kpl CP132UL
104,90 €
moxa CP-168EL-A CP-168EL-A, serial port card with 8xDB9, RS-232, PCI-E x1, low profile CP-168EL-A, serial port card with 8xDB9, RS-232, PCI-E x1, low profile 1 kpl CP-168EL-A
272,90 €
delock 89555 PCI Express Card to 2 x Serial RS-232 PCI Express Card to 2 x Serial RS-232 0 kpl 89555
34,90 €
delock 89918 PCI Express Card > 2 x Serial RS-232 PCI Express Card > 2 x Serial RS-232 Tilaustuote89918
35,90 €
delock 89556 PCI Express Card to 2 x Serial RS-232 + 1 x Parallel PCI Express Card to 2 x Serial RS-232 + 1 x Parallel Tilaustuote89556
37,90 €
delock 89557 PCI Express Card to 4 x Serial RS-232 PCI Express Card to 4 x Serial RS-232 Tilaustuote89557
42,90 €
delock 89446 PCI Express Card >1 x Serial +1 x Parallel PCI Express Card >1 x Serial +1 x Parallel Tilaustuote89446
56,90 €
delock 89178 PCI-Express x1 card, Serial RS-232, 4xDB9 ma PCI-Express x1 card, Serial RS-232, 4xDB9 ma TilaustuoteSX-116C
75,90 €
moxa CP-102EL Serial port card, 2xDB9male, RS-232, low profile PCI-Express Serial port card, 2xDB9male, RS-232, low profile PCI-Express TilaustuoteCP-102EL
112,90 €
delock 89335 PCI Express Card to 4 x Serial RS-232 High Speed 921K with Voltage supply PCI Express Card to 4 x Serial RS-232 High Speed 921K with Voltage supply Tilaustuote89335
140,90 €
delock 89447 PCI Express Card > 4x Serial with voltage supply PCI Express Card > 4x Serial with voltage supply Tilaustuote89447
146,90 €
moxa CP-104EL-A-DB9 Serial port card, 4xDB9male RS-232, PCI-express, low profile Serial port card, 4xDB9male RS-232, PCI-express, low profile TilaustuoteCP-104EL-A
228,90 €
moxa CP-118EL-A 8-port RS-232/422/485 PCI Express serial board 8-port RS-232/422/485 PCI Express serial board TilaustuoteCP-118EL-A
417,90 €
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